We are agile
tax advisors,
and Arsene %

  • Arsene is the first independent law firm
  • exclusively dedicated to tax.
  • Founder of Taxand international network,
  • Arsene is a major actor in tailor
  • made tax advice since 2004.
  • Arsene is the first independent law firm
  • exclusively dedicated to tax.
  • Founder of Taxand international network,
  • Arsene is a major actor in tailor
  • made tax advice since 2004.
Publication 22/07/2024

Publication on French tax news in Internationales Steuerrecht

French Finance Bill 2024, Conseil d’Etat decision of March 8, 2023 n°456249, Conseil d’Etat decision 18. July 2023, n° 458579, SA Bricolage Investissement France (BIF) and n° 454107, SA Manitou BF Link to the publication: https://steuern.beck.de/Dokument?vpath=bibdata%2Fzeits%2Fistr-lb%2F2023%2Fcont%2Fistr-lb.2023.82.2.htm&anchor=Y-300-Z-ISTR-LB-B-2023-S-82-N-2

Events 30/05/2024

International Taxand Tour – Zurich – May 2024

Participation at the « International Taxand Tour » event in Zurich on the current international tax landscape. Topics covered included Pillar 2 and Tax Audits. During this meeting, the debates were moderated – in German – by a panel of partners from Taxand network: Alberto Lissi and Monika Bieri, Tax Partner (Switzerland) Olivier Vergniolle, Arsene […]

Publication 22/05/2024

Publication on German tax news in Revue Fiscalité Internationale – May 2024

Permanent establishment – Publication of tax authorities’ revised opinion on the requirements of permanent establishment Link to the publication: https://www.editions-jfa.com/revue-fi-2-2024-chronique-actualite-11/?r=allemagne#p1-1

Events 23/03/2024

Internationales Steuerseminar Schweiz (ISTS) 2024 – International Tax Law Seminar

Participation in the panel discussion on recent decisions in international tax law („Aktuelle Entscheidungen zum Internationalen Steuerrecht“) For more information on the content of the seminar and the participants : https://www.ists.ch/tagung-2024/

Events 23/03/2024

Internationales Steuerseminar Schweiz (IStS) 2020 – International Tax Law Seminar

Overview of recent tax news in France („Länderberichte – Frankreich“) Participation in the panel discussion on recent decisions in international tax law („Aktuelle Entscheidungen zum Internationalen Steuerrecht“) For more information on the content of the seminar and the participants : http://www.ists.ch/themen/podium.htm

Publication 23/02/2024

Publication on German tax news in Revue Fiscalité Internationale – February 2024

Changes to the deductibility of interests exprenses – Legislative initiatives (Kreditzweitmarktförderungsgesetz et Wachstumschancengesetz) Link to the publication: https://www.editions-jfa.com/category/revue-fi-1-fevrier-2024/
